Archaeology Club

The CAHP Community Archaeology Club offers a wide range of activities. They are based upon experiential learning pedagogies, to encourage educational achievement in a range of educational skills, in archaeology, science, history, geography, mathematics, and art.

The Archaeology Club also boasts ‘the dig’: a mock archaeological dig that is inspired by the archaeological excavations at Christiansborg Castle. It enables the children to experience the thrill and excitement of archaeological discovery. It is a hands-on opportunity to learn how to ‘excavate artifacts.’

“I make sure I do all my general cleaning and washing my clothes on Thursday and Friday, so I can come to the Archaeology Club every Saturday.”
 Prince, age 7

Archaeology Club Mock Dig

Archaeology Club Mock Dig

“I look forward to sharing with my daughter what she has learned in the Archaeology Club, and we display her work at home on the wall.”
Ama’s mother

Local instructors facilitate the learning curriculum. These activities bring to life a whole host of discussions and explorations into African archaeology, history and heritage, by making, for example, Egyptian Pyramids and Mummies, West African masks, clay pottery using traditional techniques, dinosaur costumes, and screen printed pirate t-shirts.

Current issues in Africa are also investigated, for instance, the challenges of environmental pollution through recycling projects, including mud cloth paper bags, bubble art, paper plate dream catchers, and papier mâché mugs.

Guest archaeologists, curators, artists, and writers with a particular area of interest and expertise, provide learning activities on a regular basis.  The community is invited to view our exhibitions of the children’s artwork.

Classes are offered at a minimal fee to help offset the cost of the materials.

Thank You To Our Supporters

Stanford University
French Embassy Ghana
Mellon Foundation
Wenner-Gren Foundation
Joukowsky Family Foundation
The British High Commission Accra
Danish Maritime Museum
Danish National Archives
The British National Archives
The Whiting Foundation
Rapaport Foundation
Egality Law Ghana
Shell supporting Christiansborg Archaeological Heritage Project
Total Energies supporting Christiansborg Archaeological Heritage Project
Botswana Consulate, Ghana
DK Construction